
The above mattress tape edge machine is all made with steel, some even use tool steel to enhance its performance.
so for all the mattress tape edge machine from Nanjing Square, its quality is all guaranteed. and it is not easily damaged.
as an old saying says "Good machine is out of the machine's daily maintenance" so the maintenance is also important.
Good maintenance can increase the life of the machine.
for all the mattress tape edge machine, you have to do the following to extend its life
1, cleaning the various parts of mattress tape edge machine every day when you are off work.
2, check the fastening parts, replace the defective screws of each mattress tape edge machine when you found it.
3, to refill the lubrication oil to the nose of the oil hole of each mattress tape edge machine sewing head, so that the oil can better lubrication the sewing head.
it is very facilitate the mattress tape edge sewing next day.
4, to refill oil to the moving parts. for the turbine box, replace the oil inside it every three months.
if you have more question, Pls email us. Thanks